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EN-JOY YOUR-self-Evolution
~ Veronika Gold ~

“Music-therapy, Bowen therapy,

Workshops with piano/flute/
native american flute/drumming circle,

Intuitive healing, Hypnotherapy,

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I don’t have answer for you, I can only inspire you or lead you so you can find your answers for yourself.

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I have come to know Veronika both personally and professionally and have to say that she is one of thee sweetest, gentlest souls I have ever come across. She carries with her a natural healing energy that is hard to miss when you are near to her.

She brings to her Bowen treatments the bests of all she is, and all she knows. Her touch is soothing and healing, and the treatment itself was remarkably calming and ivigorating.

She has a real gift; I invite you to experience it for yourself!


Find me where the Wild things are!

Instagram posts @enjoy.yourself.evolution